The Big Assembly 2021

Date Published: 06/10/21


On the 4th October our learners took part in the Diana Award Big Assembly which saw thousands of schools join together to welcome one another back and remind everyone of the need for mutual respect in our schools and communities.

This year, as young people and educators begin the new academic year in the face of ‘the new normal’ we will pledge to put an end to bullying behaviour, to celebrate diversity and create communities of kindness.

At BTH, after watching the live assembly, we shared our thoughts about what makes our learners feel safe at our school. We considered why some learners are so much happier in our school compared to others they have attended in the past.

We recorded our thoughts on ‘Helping Hands’ and shared these with each other.

Then we moved onto our own experiences of bullying, staff and learners took part and really opened up to share their stories. Everyone was respectful and listened to each other carefully, asking each other questions or reinforcing when a similar incident had happened to them. We also talked about cyber bullying and the particularly distressing effects of this form of bullying. We then created a word map of our personal experiences so we could see them clearly and think about them together. 

We finished by talking about support networks available to us if we feel we are being bullied in any way. We added these to another ‘Helping Hand’.

Our school is proud of our kind, supportive and nurturing environment where no form of bullying is tolerated. The Big Assembly was a great way for us all to consider this important topic and served to remind us to be kind and thoughtful everyday. The impact really is very BIG!

Take a look at our photos to see our helping hands and word map.